Friday, January 11, 2013

Week in Review

So I have been bad about posting lately, so here is an update about my week:

Monday: Work as usual, then meet up with Mom and Andy for a quick dinner at PF Chang's before heading to Small group.  After small group, I rushed over to Trader Joe's with CJ to grocery shop for the week ahead.

Tuesday: Work then went to dinner with Mom and Dad at Brio (mom had a coupon from her birthday).  I snuck away just eating off of both of their plates--HUGE portions.  I was working with a migraine so after dinner, despite plans to go Boot shopping, I went home and laid down with some Advil and heat to dismiss the headache.
* Started back on Weight Watchers--back on the points plan to make that goal weight by August *

Wednesday: Work again (what a routine), then it was our first Wednesday night supper club.  Since it is supposed to be about 7-8 of us girls, I had planned to cook a bigger meal, but only 3 of us could make it for dinner and another one joined us for dessert, so we just went with a Trader Joe's pizza (not very great) and salad.  It was a great time to come together as friends and just discuss life!  This will be a fun monthly tradition.  I also FINALLY took down my Christmas tree with CJ's help and was able to move around some furniture.  It really is starting to feel like home!

Thursday: Work then home to cook dinner.  I had planned to go to Life group, but I was just in such a blah blah mood last night, I instead stayed in and got some things done around the house ---two loads of laundry, cleaned up.  Rearranged my room (since I had moved the trunk out to the living room), watched some TV and worked a little more on the craft room (it is coming together).

Friday: Alast!  The weekend is almost here.  Tonight, I am having a mother/daughter night.  Mom has a 30% off Kohl's coupon so we are going in search of boots (something flat that i can wear while walking around NYC next weekend), then tomorrow, I think we are going to clean out the house at Lake Anna in preparation for it to go on the market.  Nothing too exciting but after the start of the year and a crazy work schedule, it has been lovely to have a little bit of down time.

Report back next week for a hopefully, more exciting update!

1 comment:

  1. Haha. Busy busy! Hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend! :-)
