Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The weekend in review

Maybe my New Year's Resolution should have been to update my blog, as I have fallen behind.  The combination of work and life both being busy, means I have not had a moment to catch my breath and write.  But alas, here is my weekend update, just a few days late!

Friday night, I left work and headed to the Southside, my mom and I had made a shopping/sleepover date.  Since my little Brutus is currently living with her, I like to stop by from time to time to check in.  Also, I was in the market for walking/flat boots and she had a 30% off coupon at Kohl's.  We grabbed a quick dinner and started on our shopping excursion.  I was in luck, Kohl's had a ton of boots and most were on sale!  I found a few pair I like, but the ones I settled on were Black flat boots and super warm and comfortable, they were also...wait for it...only $25 after the 30% discount, so that within my budget and actually at the low end, so it was nice!  I was also able to grab a cute decorative silver owl (on sale for about $5), so look for that next time you come visit me!  After hitting up a few more stores, we went home and went to bed!  

Saturday morning, I was up by 8 and we had a leisurely time getting ready before heading out to Lake Anna.  My parents have a house out there that they are putting on the market come Spring, so we went down to do some cleaning out of the place.  4 giant trash bags to goodwill, 1 giant trash bag to the dump, and a backseat full of stuff we wanted to bring back to Richmond and we were on our way back home, but not before we grabbed lunch and hit up Peebles in Lousia!

Saturday night, my friend, Aubrey, was having a party at her house.  My good friend, Anna, and I decided we would meet up for a quick bev beforehand.  So we headed to a local bar with our twin bangs and downed a few cocktails before heading over to Aubrey's fashionably late.  It was a great time, Anna and I had both agreed that we wanted to leave at 10:30 but in true 'us' fashion, we stayed until at least 11:30.  We met some fun people and got to catch up with some old friends.  It was great!

Sunday morning, I was off to church and then I came home and did a few chores around the house (went to Kroger, cooked meals for the week, cleaned up a bit, did some laundry) and was finally able to RELAX for a solid two hours before youth group---IT WAS FABULOUS!

After youth group, I of course, scurried home to watch Downton Abbey.  What will this coming weekend hold?  Who knows, as I am going to New York City with 4 friends from college.  It will be a great time of fun and exploring!  Stay tuned....


  1. Ahhhh such a super fun weekend! :) My goal was only to blog once a month, so if I do it more than that, it's a success!
