Monday, November 19, 2018

This is my journey...

Amidst all the exciting and gratitude for how far we have come in a year, I am continually reminded of the rough start uh tumble into motherhood for me (and fatherhood for Marc, but that is his story to tell)!  The past few weeks have been a crazy look back (mostly self-induced) into the memories of a year ago.  So here is the not so picture perfect story; I love the phrase ugly beautiful, because I really think that encompasses what the start of motherhood was like for me (and maybe all women).  But for our family, it really was the worst time of our life, combined with one of our most beautiful blessings.  Yes, we had great support, yes, we are incredible blessed to have a daughter that fared so well, but the behind the scenes was a pretty awful week, and I figured now, a year out, is a good time to share that part!

Because of the severe preeclampsia, I was on a 24 hour magnesium drip post delivery, which meant that I was in and out of consciousness during that time, but the more heart-wrenching part was that I was not able to see, touch, or hold my baby for OVER 24 HOURS AFTER DELIVERY.  Let that sink in for a moment.  I had a baby, but I could not see her.  During this same time, people were allowed in to visit her, so basically everyone in my family was able to go in and see Ms. Olivia while I waited in a hospital room down the hall from the NICU.  Yes, I agreed to it, because why should Olivia have to be secluded from everyone, but it does not hurt my momma heart anymore.  But as the hours clicked by, I became more and more anxious to see her, to see for myself that she was alive and doing as well as to be expected.  To see her little hands, feet, head, etc.  It was a struggle and all the while, I had nurses constantly taking my vitals and threatening to not let me see Olivia unless we could get a good BP reading (as if I had control over this).  Talk about anxiety!  

During this same time, I was asked if I planned to breastfeed, and yes, we had planned for that!  But when you have a 28 weeker, they don't go right to breast, instead you start pumping, knowing that you likely wont nurse for weeks or even months.  Thankfully, my sister was in town during the first few days of this journey, ever encouraging me to pump every 2-3 hours round the clock.  I think the continued reminding/encouraging was just what I needed, but its not without tears and loooooooooooots of them.  I pumped and pumped and pumped and finally got this: MERE DROPS!

But thankfully mere drops is all Olivia needed when she was so little.  This is probably one of the most honest pictures of life as a NICU mom, bloodshot eyes from intense crying, mixed with lack of sleep and being so excited for the tiniest vial of milk for baby girl.  I was able to walk it down and give it to the NICU nurse that fed it right to baby girl via a feeding tube (which is how she was fed for the first month of her life).  It is hard to put into words how meaningful that is.  Knowing that I could not keep my baby safe in my belly despite my best efforts, but knowing that this small bit of milk could be a HUGE help for her sensitive tummy.  I was on board! 

That same day, 26 hours after Olivia was born, I was finally able to go into the NICU and meet my sweet baby girl.  They want to wait 48 hours after delivery to hold her as delivery is very traumatic for preemies and lots of shifting to hold them is as well, but the kangaroo time with momma is also valuable so they are weighing the cost/benefit, which is a constant in the NICU.  Sometimes no option is ideal but what has the best benefit and is it worth the cost.  So for our first meeting, I was content to just be able to put my hand in and rest it on baby girl's bottom while she slept.  Preemie babies do not thrive on a lot of stimulus, so you aren't encouraged to rub their fingers through yours or rub their back, instead, light but firm pressure in one area is ideal, it helps them to feel as if they are still in the womb.  Yes, I was bawling my eyes out and with one hand raw from IVs and the other on my baby, the tears just feel down my oh so fashionable hospital gown!   

Fast forward another 24 hours, more round the clock BP checks and tests.  By this point, my vital organ function was returning to normal, my body was beginning to recover and pumping was taking off!  I made 3 vials full of milk for baby girl and my sister and nurse thought it would be fun to document it!

And the best part of all, after over 48 hours post delivery, I was that I finally got to hold baby Olivia!  They always encourage mom to hold her first and I wont lie, it is the scariest but most joyous moments of my life.  I have held so many babies and know how to handle babies, but this was like 1/4 of a baby, she was so tiny and fragile, I was so scared I would do something to hurt her, but was also sooooooooo ready to have this precious child of mine up against my chest for the first time.  It felt so right, a lot of NICU moms talk about a huge disconnect from feeling connected to their children. I definitely felt this some, but I think holding her helped to bring that gap for me! It was the most magical moment of my life!  It is absolutely crazy to look at this picture now, I seriously cannot remember how she was ever that small.  But that is motherhood, I cannot remember the last time I slept through the night, I barely remember those early days at home when she cried anytime I tried to put her down. I can vaguely remember the night we roomed in at the hospital before taking her home and not sleeping a wink because I was constantly checking her breathing. Its hard to remember the days, but we have a lifetime of memories all bundled into the last year and that is the amazing truth!  Olivia's story is certainly one for the books!

Suffice it to say, our NICU journey was powered by machines.  Machines to help Olivia breath, machines to regulate her body temperature, machines to allow me to pump, machines to read her pulse, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.  machines to exactly dispense medicine and milk as the case may be.  We learned about each machine, how to operate most of them, what numbers to watch for, etc.  So upon our release it was scary to come home to no more beeping, no more daily reports and just having to wing it when for two months we had known nothing else.  Unfortunately, there was one machine that stuck around and that was my breast pump.  Olivia, though lots and lots of trying, never really took to nursing.  This is common for super young preemies, as they learn early the bottle has no let-down period and they get spoiled and refuse mom's nipple.  So, after weeks of trying we gave into pumping with a goal to make it to a year.  During that year, I battled clogged ducts, stomach bugs, lack of sleep--when do you get to nap if you have to pump when baby is napping?, LOTS of cleaning of pump parts (thankful Marc helped lots with this), crying over spilled milk at 3am, overproduction in the beginning, to underproduction as she got older, pumping in the car more times than I can count, multiple lactation consultants, attempting every position imaginable with a 4 pound baby to try nursing, pumping at work, pumping in a utility closet, and ending out our year with a case of mastitis.  It has been a wild ride, but we did it!  Exactly one year ago today (because I was in recovery post op, they did not put me to the pump until the following day), I started my pumping journey and am proud to have made it this far, we shall see what the future holds.  I am clinging on for now, but just barely...

I know we are so far removed from those early days now, but I wanted to have a place to have this story documented for other moms who may be just starting out.  The ride is full of the good, the bad and the ugly, but make your story your own!  Ours certainly was a scary one, but I have never felt more love and support than I have in this last year...the UGLY BEAUTIFUL side of being a preemie mom!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Happy First Birthday Olivia!

I am sure I will do a longer post in a few days, but wanted to just take a minute to appreciate that in one year our daughter went from this:

to this:

And from a 2 pound, 4 oz miracle to an adorable 18 pound + thriving one year old!

I say this all the time and I do mean it, All babies are miracles, but Olivia was a special kind of miracle.

Happy Birthday Olivia!  You know your Mom and Dad love you lots, but I suspect you will soon learn lots of other people do too!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Monday, October 29, 2018

Eleven Months

Eleven Months

Note, I started this the day before her 11 month birthday and am just now publishing...that is life these days, running a couple weeks behind constantly!

You guys, in 1 month (well now 20 days!), Olivia will be one year old!  Where has the time gone?  

I know I sound like a broken record but each month I claim it is my favorite age and here I am again, this has to be the favorite!  She is very interactive and active and its just fun to really see her personality development, and even a little bit her stubbornness and will.  Check back with me in a year or two when we are in the terrible twos or troublesome threes and I doubt I will be claiming it is my favorite age then!

She has ALREADY mastered the side eye!
 This month, we saw major progress in the realm of crawling....

As of her 11 month birthday she was not crawling, but spoiler alert, she is now!  We have been without her PT for about a month in a half now as they are short staffed and our PT quit, but it seems that Olivia is saying she really does not need it anyway!  

We have enjoyed the beautiful weather, taking in Oktoberfest with Uncle Andy....

The Norfolk Zoo with Tiffany and the kiddos, where she walked with Daddy on the large snake sculpture....

And got to experience her first trip to the "pumpkin patch," I use the term loosely because it is really just a field where they place pumpkins, no pumpkins are actually grown there.  Baby girl, we will get you a better pumpkin patch when you actually know the difference!

We have been enjoying lots of time on the neighborhood swing, she absolutely LOVES to swing!

And have been overall, her happy self! 

The colder weather has also brought about a few colds, sicknesses, and our favorite, hand foot and mouth disease, but she has done great with them all and seems to be feeling great these last few weeks!

Olivia continues to grow, I honestly have no idea of her weight or height, but my guess is she is about 18 pounds and 27 inches long!  She is mostly wearing 12 month clothes, unless they are pants--this girl is SHORT!   Overall, we are so happy with her continued progress and look forward to the next month when we celebrate her FIRST BIRTHDAY!

A few new milestones in the past month:
* Continuing to walk while holding your hands
* Talking lots more--she now says, Dada, Mama, yeah, bye, LaLa, and other sounds--I do not begin to believe she knows what they all mean but sometimes her timing is perfect!
* Started crawling
* First trip to Norfolk!

* First VCU game (even if it was just a scrimage)
* Upgraded to a convertible car seat
* First trip to the pumpkin patch
* First trip to the state fair

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

10 months

Ten Months
This marks the official, "mom can start planning my first birthday party" month, but who are we kidding, that was in the works months ago with my late night Pinteresting!  This month is also special cause it is NICU awareness month!

10 Months!
It is so hard to believe that in just two short months, we will have a one year old!  I think back to my 30 year old self, who had no prospect of a husband and no idea if kids were even in the cards, and am feeling very blessed by how much has changed in the past few years!  Big life changes, but all so great!  I definitely know God has this life planned out for me, Marc, and Olivia, because it all just fits so naturally!  We truly are blessed!

This month we have hit a bit of mommy-obsessed!  I think with her in daycare, that helps a little bit, but I can definitely see her favoring me over anyone else; but Dad is a very close second and I feel confident one day, he will be #1 in her life, so I am savoring these days as much as I can!

Olivia continues to grow, her weight is now 17lbs 4 oz and she is 26.5 inches tall!  She is still hoovering between 9-12 month clothes.  If it has to go over her head, it is definitely gonna need to be 12 month, but if we are talking long pants, then 9 month fairs better!  Short girl, big head!  😂

Our beloved Physical Therapist is going to work with a new company so this week was her last meeting with us and then we will be moved to a new PT to continue work on the same skills!  From her last report, she is basically hitting at her adjusted age or higher for every skill except rolling and for many areas, she is hitting right at her actual age, so they continue to be amazed at her progress.

I feel like we are still trying to hit the good rhythm with everything--not as much take out mexican and I even did our meal schedule for last week and this and have only missed one meal!

A few new milestones in the past month:
* Standing and walking while holding your hands
* Talking lots more
* First walk on the beach (we went to Myrtle Beach back in May, but it was raining so we did not get to make it to the beach)
* Trying lots of new foods (mango, broccoli, pear, peach, kale, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, etc)
* Started crawling backward
* Make her first Build a Bear
* First Carousel Ride
* First party at Uncle Andy's house

We love the beach!

Look Dad, fishies!

First time to an Uncle Andy party!

I feel like I have been saying this for months, but she is such a great baby and I think this may be my favorite age yet!  I would be remiss if I did not mention that she still isn't sleeping great...she is so close to perfect, if she could just sleep well!

Olivia being too cool for school (Also note the lady in the back with her dog in a carrier) :)

If you want to see how she is growing next to her beloved Lamb, check back to see last month or even at 5 month or 3 months!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

NICU awareness Month

September is NICU awareness month, not to be confused with prematurity awareness month, which falls in November (the month of Olivia's birth).  1 in 10 babies born in the U.S. ends up in the NICU, not all are born early, some are born at term but have other underlining health issues that require a trip to the NICU.  Our NICU and NICU nurses will always hold a special place in our lives.  It is a lonely road to walk, the 10% that leaves the hospital without their baby, the 10% that longs to wake up in the night to a crying child instead of the suction of a breast pump, the 10% that goes to bed every night with a phone call check on their baby instead of a goodnight kiss, the 10% the understands that all babies are miracles but NICU babies are extra special miracles.  We felt alone in our journey at times, but we were never alone and that was a true blessing.  Friends, family, nurses, doctors, everyone walked this journey along with us and we are forever grateful!

Our 2 lb 4 oz Preemie-dona is now a thriving almost 10 month old!  What a miracle and blessing she is to us every single day!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Nine Months

I know I am a broken record, but each month seems to fly by now.  I feel like we were just dreaming about a baby then we spent those two hard months in the NICU and then we watched our little doll just grow, grow and keep growing and it all seems to have happened in the blink of an eye.  The only thing that feels like it is taking forever is the sleeping--seriously Olivia, can you go back to sleeping through the night?  I am beginning to wonder if she ever did that?!?!

We have the list of things we said we would do as parents, and I can tell you--I was a liar!
* Cry it out?  Sure for a few minutes, but then I run to the baby knowing full well it will only make matters worse in the long run
* Never let her in our bed, yet Olivia finds herself there more often than she should because MOMMA NEEDS TO SLEEP!
* Let her chew on things she shouldn't?  NEVER--whoopsie, was that Olivia that was just chewing on my key fob?  

Cutest Snow White Around!

Helping Mom make muffins!

The list can go on, but you get the gist!  We are in a realm of trying to keep our heads above water!  This is when bad habits get made, but soon we are putting our foot down--hopefully!
I am not so sure about this bread!

Olivia's Growth:
* As of her 9 month appointment she is now in the 51% for head circumference, it would seem her brain is catching up and thriving!  
* Olivia weighs 16 pounds 10 ounces and is in the 14% for weight
* Olivia is 26 inches long and is in the 8% for height!
NOTE: These are for full term growth charts, not preemie ones!  Also should be noted that the first thing to catch up is head circumference, followed by weight and finally height, so she is right on target!
Look at me sit up!

History Maker!
As a point of reference, here are her numbers from her 6 month appointment:
* Head Circumference: 22%
* Weight: 13 lbs 12 oz and 10%
* Height: 24 inches and 4%
I can tell you all about Doggies; I have two!

We continue to meet with Physical therapy and she is doing well, still not rolling consistency but her muscle tone and activity is good, so they are still not worried.  Her sitting is great and on par more with her actual age, she can actually balance pretty well and can bend over to pick something up!  She loves to stand with assistance and no longer loves her playmat--DO NOT LAY ME FLAT MOM!
Let's go Hokies!

Olivia is now growing from her 9 month to 12 month clothes and we use them basically interchangeably now!  Our real issue is if her head will fit into the clothes, so I much prefer the ones that button up the front :)
Target is my happy Place!

We are still trying to hit our rhythm with work, cooking, playing with the baby, doing laundry and random other chores around the house!  We maybe get mexican food takout a bit more than we should!  It's a learning curve still...
I love Minnie!

Come here Camel, let me pet you!

* Sits up unassisted and balances well!
* First Zoo Trip!
* First Girls Shopping Day in Williamsburg (start 'em young, right?)
* Now sits in high chairs and shopping carts.
* Has started on solid foods!
* She now grabs EVERYTHING and puts it right to her mouth, so we are keeping a close eye on her. (same as last month)
* She can just about pull herself up if she is holding our fingers!
Cousins are fun!
Each day, her dad and I fall more and more in love with her!  We are so thankful daily for all the love, support and prayers, we truly believe she was covered in prayers and has done so well because of it!