Friday, July 6, 2012

July Book Update

As you can see, I am flying through my book list for the year and I keep finding books that I just may want to read to add.  This list started as 26 books and now I am at 31 and optimistic to have them all done by the end of 2012...only time will tell :)

A few things: After reading The Other Boleyn Girl, I have become obsessed with Henry VIII and the time period around there.  I have immersed myself in the Tutor series and find it very intriguing.  It is cool to see what strong women were like during that time period (Anne Boleyn and Mary Boleyn--I actually like Mary a lot better and I think she gets overlooked a LOT).  So if you liked the movie, the book is about 100000% times better, it is just LONG as mess!  But I watched the movie again after reading the book and I was like, it left out probably 92% of what was in the book, so you really are not getting the whole story.

Secondly, and more importantly, everyone go out and read, Kisses from Katie, it was AWESOME!  Another story of a strong women but in a totally different era and circumstances.  Katie Davis is a 24 year old woman living in Uganda and has felt called by the life there and what God has in store for her.  Her life is drastically different than an other 24 year old.  She has 14 children, yes 14!!!  She has adopted children with varying needs in the village she works in in Uganda.  She has started a non-profit, she provides food, medical care, and education to hundreds, maybe thousands of children in Uganda and she is very real in the book about her constant struggle with God's will for her life.  It is a truly inspirational story.  If you have no desire to read the book, but want to know more about her life, try following her blog here.  I would strongly encourage each person to check it out and consider donating to Amazima or you can request to get notified when they have more jewelry on sale (made from paper scraps from women in Masese).  This book has really made me re-think my lifestyle choices and makes you see the difference that ONE person can make!  

Lastly, next up is Unbroken, I am already hooked so I should not say next up as I have already started it and am on Chapter 9 (out of 39, I think).  While reading about the book, I learned about yet another piece of history, I had never heard about and that is The Rape of Nanking, or the Massacre of Nanking.  I was oblivious to this event, so as you may notice, I have added another book to my list that I can learn more about this historic event.  Just another reason I like to read, it opens my eyes to the world around me and what I may have missed!  Happy Reading

List of books I have read in 2012

1. Five Love Languages

2. Sisterhood Everlasting

3. The Holocaust Diaries

4. Private #1 Suspect

5. The Fixer Upper

6. The Hunger Games

7. Catching Fire (book 2)

8. Mockingjay (book 3)

9. The Carrie Diaries

10. What Alice Forgot

11. The Purpose Driven Life

12. The Reservoir

13. Private Games

14. Mountain beyond Mountains

15. Hijacked: Responding to the Partisan Church Divide

16. Sarah's Key

17. I've Got Your Number

18. Private

19. There Are No Children Here

20. Generous Justice
21. The Other Boleyn Girl 
22. Kisses from Katie

 List of books I plan to read in 2012

23. Unbroken (started July 4th)
24. A good and perfect Gift

25. Hope in a Jar

26. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

27. The Girl who Played with Fire

28. The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest

29. Lexapros and Cons

30. The 100 thing challenge
31. The Rape of Nanking
32. Flyboys
33. Intellectuals and Society

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