Monday, July 16, 2012

Well that was quick!

This weekend literally FLEW by....It was Friday and now its Monday again....BOOOOO!

As promised, I went to Lake Anna this weekend to hang out with 3 of my favorite girls in the world!  Friday, it was only CJ and me, so we played Bananagrams...

Then Saturday, the rest of the girls arrived about noon.  Also, my friend, Erica's brother was in the area for the day with his girlfriend, so they came on over to hang out as well.  Plus Andy, my mom, and her friend were all down there too.  Talk about a good crowd!!!  Needless to say, I drank a little too much on Saturday, so for a good 3 hours or so, I was trying to hydrate and get back to a normal state of being.  Day drinking NEVER works for me!  We ended the day Saturday with just the girls, as Andy, Matthew, and Julie left, so we did what any group of girls would do---ate pizza and watched chick flicks!

Sunday was more of the same, relaxing in the sun and drinking until we all came up for a late lunch and a trip home.  It was nice to get home last night and not have ANYTHING to do.  Brutus and I just snuggled up and watched TV....while outside it looked like this:

I was totally thinking we would get a bad storm or tornado, but we barely got any rain and just some thunder.  Thus concludes another weekend!  In exciting news....I finished another book, so I will probably do a book update today too :)

Also....remember how I mentioned the book Kisses for Katie?  Well one of the ministries mentioned is jewelry making, it allows the women to make jewelry to support their family instead of prostitution and illegal alcohol brewing.  So this bracelet is made from paper scraps that they roll each individually into beads, I ordered one online and when I got home yesterday, it had arrived:


  1. spend the day "hydrating yourself"??? more like "trying to keep my top on" ;)

  2. haha just seeing this now! i literally laughed out loud when I read that, drunk Laura is no fun for anyone :)
