Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Seven Months

I know people say it all the time, that the time goes by so fast when you have a little one, but it is hard to believe.  I even struggle now to think about how tiny Ms. Olivia was at birth and now I definitely know when she is around cause she gets HEAVY!  We could not be happier with this child, she is an absolute doll to be around, always happy and smiling.  It does not take much to get a smile or little laugh from her and she is seriously the best!  When she cries, which is few and far between, we know it is because she is either hungry, tired, or has a poopy diaper.  She is a content baby, loves to play on her play-mat, loves to eat, loves to be on her changing table, loves to be outside for walks, loves bath time.  Other than occasionally when we put her in the car seat, there are very few times I can think of when she is upset. 

This week she started daycare, which I thought would be the hardest transition to date and it was for me, however, Olivia has transitioned like a champ.  She babbles and talks all the way there in the car, then easily moves from the car seat to a bouncer, play mat or tummy time and no fuss when Mom leaves.  She is equally happy at pick up!  Here is praying this keeps up!

This was a picture of her on the way to daycare, she loves to cuddle up with her blanket, and she looked like a marshmellow to me here!

Her preschool sends us a daily picture and this was from her first day there!

This picture was from her second day at daycare!  Reading already :)

She has always been a pretty good sleeper, but especially since starting daycare, she has been sleeping like a real champ, so they are really tiring her out!

We begin Physical Therapy with her this Friday after suggestions from both Early Intervention and from her NICU follow up appointment a few weeks back.  Nothing major, but they just want to make sure she has all the advantages to help her in catching up to her 'term baby' counterparts.  The life of a NICU child (and parents) does not end when the baby leaves the NICU as we have heard over and over again.  Olivia's eye appointment last week went well and we do not have to go back again for another year, so that is nice!  The only additional risk for her now with her eyes is that she is at a higher rate of having glasses before kindergarten, so overall nothing too major.  The girl keeps growing, she is getting close to busting out of her 6 month clothes, so we fully believe she will be in 9 month clothes before she is actually 9 months old!  At her last doctor's appointment which was two weeks ago, she was 14lbs, 9 oz; so we think she is most likely about 15.5 pounds now (as a point of reference, when I was 7 months, I was 18 lbs, 8 oz). And lastly, we got the go-ahead from the doctor to try her on solid foods over the next month or two, so that is exciting!

She likes to watch me clean her bottles!

Being a big girl in her upright stroller!

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

 Some milestones from this month:
* Olivia rolled from her tummy to her back exactly two times about 10 days ago and has not yet replicated it, but we take it as a win
* Olivia has started making moves like she is trying to crawl, knowing her she will probably get the hang of that before she learns to turn over
* Olivia loves being held up on her feet and has super strong leg muscles.
* She has now moved to just the stroller on our walks and no more car seat attachment, she seems to like it so she can look out better.
* She celebrated her first Father's Day with Marc!

If you want to see how she compares to previous months, click here for 6 months, 5 months, 4 months. 3 months, 2 months and 1 month.

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