Monday, February 26, 2018

3 Months!

Little Olivia is already 3 months old, how is that possible?  She continues to gain weight well and though we do not have official doctor's scales, she seems to have surpassed the 9 pound mark and is creeping toward 10 pounds.  She is officially outgrown her newborn clothes (for the most part--she still wears a few select outfits), so if feels surreal that the little baby that started at 2.4 pounds is doing so well now.

Good news: At her eye exam on Friday, the doctor said her blood vessels have officially attached to the retina, so we have no more need for check ups every few weeks.  We will now not have to go back for another 4 months and at that point, its just a check up (none of those scary eye tools). 

Olivia as a unicorn
 Olivia is starting to really develop into a more predictable little girl, she loves looking at the mirror at herself and having her hair brushed, she loves snuggles and eating!  She tolerates tummy time and bath times and hates having her diaper or clothes changed (despite the factor that her mom wants her in ALL THE CUTE OUTFITS). 

We think her rock n play is a lifesaver, as are baby carriers.  Both of these help me keep my sanity!  This past week we were blessed with beautiful weather, so Olivia and I got out for quite a few walks--nothing like a little fresh air.  And even got to model the cute dress below (those thighs make me smile considering how tiny her legs were to start).

Olivia got her these beautiful bracelets from her nephews and she looked so stylish wearing them!  Every girl loves her accessories!  Her favorite position is to be laying against your chest, it reminds me of all the kangaroo time we did with her when she was so little.

After her big ER scare, we have made some changes to the way she eats.  She now gets just under 3 ounces about every 2-3 hours during the day and about every 3-4 hours at night time, she consistently takes in about 24 ounces a day of milk.  This less food more frequently has helped her little tummy digest and she seems to be happier for the most part, though she gets some gas discomfort every now and again. 

I wish I could claim that she is a perfect little angel all the time, but that is not so.  She has her moments, thankfully they are few and far between!  But there are still nights when she cannot be calmed with anything it seems.  It is those nights when we wished she were more fond of a pacifier.  We basically have to force her to take one and even about half the time we try to get her to take it, she gags herself on it (anyone else have this problem?)  So the crying nights are the hardest cause after we have fed her, changed her, cuddled her, tried a pacifier, we are at the end of our rope.  Any thoughts on other options would be lovely.  

We still feel so incredible blessed by this little bundle of joy.  Her faults all seem to be washed away when she looks up at your face with those beautiful eyes and ever so rarely gives a smile (even if its just gas).  Her dad and I fall more and more in love with her every single day :)

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