Olivia, Mom and Dad are all adjusting to life at home. It is certainly different having a newborn in the NICU versus at home, mainly in the sleep category. A token attribute of preemies is that they make a lot more noises than full term baby counterparts, so at night, she is rarely quiet. Which is good when you are sitting up awake at 3 am wondering if she is still breathing, but not so great when you are actually trying to sleep. Needless to say, the adjustment, though awesome, has not been trouble free, as I am sure all first time moms feel. We are slowly getting the hang of this parenting thing and are certainly enjoying the snuggles along the way (after 2 long months of limited baby snuggles, it feels right to soak them up now).
Here are a few of our highlights in pictures:
Olivia's first car ride home! |
Whether it is PTSD from that dang pic line or just cause she likes to raise 'em and praise 'em, we often find our little one with her arm up by her face and above her head (she would always keep her right arm up when she had the pic line in it):
Olivia's first time cheering on the VCU Rams! |
Olivia's first bath at home! |
Olivia celebrated her 2 month birthday on the day she was discharged! |
Olivia adjusting to getting changed on a changing table versus in her crib in the NICU |
Daddy's girl, enough said! |
As stated we have been getting lots and lots of snuggles. Our favorite time of day is morning time. Whichever one of us gets up with Olivia after feeding her and changing her, then we all snuggle for a bit in our bed (I snapped this one while they both slept--like father like daughter, but no worries, one of us is always monitoring her amidst those pillows and sheets):
First Family Photo (this is a cheat cause our NICU nurse actually took it while she was still in the NICU but preparing to go home):
Olivia meeting one of her fur brothers! |
And as a simple reminder of how far we have come. Here is a comparison photo I did of Olivia in her first week of life to 2 months old:
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