Thursday, March 21, 2013

Springtime, it is a little early for April Fool's!

Yesterday was the first day of spring, the daffodils were in bloom, the sun was shinning, and I almost could hear the birds whistling along to Mary Poppins in the background. And then something happen, something awful and upsetting....WINTER CAME BACK!

I am not sure why, but somehow Old Man Winter thought he was actually welcome back, uhhhh, no thanks!  But I awoke this morning to freezing temperatures (I know, I know, Amanda, I have no say when I only have to deal with temperatures in the 30s and I am sure you are hoovering around the teens) and SNOW (albeit light snow, but still snow).  No one wants that in the spring.  Heck some people (**myself**) do not even want that in the winter-time.  

So here is my plea:

Mr. Springtime,

Come back and stay back this time!  

Thanks kindly, Laura

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