Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Rosie Marie's Juice Joint

Only a few days late in coming.  Here are the pictures of the Juice Joint evening!

Myself as Rosie Marie, juice Joint owner!

Derek as Chief Cameron and also the MURDERER (that no one guessed!)

Charlotte as P.I. Pinkerton

Jessica as Molly Mol (Notorious Nick's girlfriend)

Anna as Dina Diva

CJ as Anna Marie

Rob as Notorious Nick

Allison as Flora Nemetz-Gadora (Notorious Nick's ex wife)

Chris as Hal Hollywood

Jessica as Kitty Cocktail

Lila as Mabel Biggs (the Mayor's wife)

Sarah as Cindy Butt (the cigarette girl)

Rob as Cy Ramsey (Rosie's nephew)

Dave as Mugsy Malone (Mob Boss)

Mike as Southside Sal (Southside Mob Boss)

Brittney as Bernie Bootlegger 

Charlotte as Gino Gin

Kathryn as Flirty Flapper

Rob T (again) after he was murdered decided to come back as Russ, the waiter, bidding for a place in the Mayor's office!

Kristi as Natalie Nemetz (Nick's daughter)

Patrick as Mayor Biggs

The Murder: Notorious Nick was killed, but by whom???

Lila and Me as 1920s ladies

Some of the girls!

The group shot!

The group shot with everyone trying to kill or be killed!

All in all, I think the pictures speak for themselves.  We had a blast!  Lots of fun and lots of characters....I think the question is not, if we will have another Murder Mystery, the question is WHEN it will be!

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