Thursday, May 17, 2012

Books Reviewed

So I know it has been awhile since I have given a good book review and since I have read quite a few books since then, I will update you on a few of my recent reads.

What Alice Forgot
This book was a fairly easy read and it was engaging, it reminded me a lot of the style of writing that Sophie Kinsella does in her books (which if you know me you know i love ANYTHING by Sophie Kinsella).  So obviously I enjoyed this book.  It is a story about a women who feel at the gym and temporarily looses her memory from her last 10 years of life.  She forgets she has any kids at all.  It is a feel good story and the writer grabs you and makes you want to read more.  I think it is a great book for any girls who just want a simple read in their life.

The Purpose Driven Life
Ehh, I could take this or leave it.  It is a 40 chapter (meant to be read one chapter a day for 40 days) book that I found extremely hard to get through in 2+ months, so obviously its not my best read.  But if you take it for what it is--self help, finding out your purpose in life, I think you will enjoy most of the chapters.  I can honestly say I got a little something out of at least 70% of the chapters in the book, so I think, if you have the commitment, it is worth a try.

The Reservoir
This was a bit of a disappointment.  It was a recommended read from my friend, Kristi.  My problem was not necessarily with the book itself, I loved that and could not put it down, but my issue came with the ending, all that lead up and I HATED how the author chose to end this book.  I want closure and a nicely tied up little bow and you will NOT get that from this book.  If you go in knowing that I think you will love and appreciate the book for what it is.  The best best part of this book is that it is based in Richmond, Virginia in 1885.  So I know and could relate personally to a lot of the locations in the book, which meant that I got that much more into the story.  The author claims this book is loosely based on a case in Richmond history but he took some artistic liberties with a lot of the story line, so in all fairness, the ending may have a LOT to do with how the actual trial turned out in real life.  But honestly if you can make the plot better, can't you change the ending too?

Private Games
So, you all know I am a HUGE James Patterson fan and I have yet to find even one book of his that has disappointment me and this one was no exception.  This is the 3rd book in the Private series, Private #1 Suspect (that I read earlier in the year) is the second, and Private is the 1st (I have not yet read this one).  This book is actually about the 2012 London Olympic Games so it was fitting to read this right before the games take place.  It was super interesting and since my mom had already read it, At about 75% of the way through, I told her who I thought was behind it all...and I GOT IT RIGHT.  I almost never figure it out, but I was impressed with myself that I figured out the killer before the end of the book.  Overall, if you like murder mystery, might I just suggest reading all of Mr. Patterson's novels!

Mountains Beyond Mountains
Loved Loved Loved this book!  I had mentioned to my friend, Kathryn, a while back that I love non-fiction books about human kindness, World War II, or human services.  Well she thought I might enjoy this book and I did.  It follows Dr. Paul Farmer on his journey through third world countries as he helps to set up and administer health care to the poorest of the poor in the world.  It was a great reality check for me and I like reading books that put me in my place.  So read with an open heart and open eyes and I think before long, you will be checking out Partners in Health website to see what you can do to attempt to help out in this suffering world of ours.  (Side note: even if you do not intend to read the book, I would suggest checking out the website, most of the employees work as volunteers or below wage jobs so almost all of the money goes directly to those in need across the world and just cause we are lucky enough to live in the U.S. does not mean we should neglect the problems of our neighbors around the world).

I have not yet decide what book will be next you  can probably see, I do not always go in order from my list so it is anyone's guess right now...we will see how the mood strikes me tonight (mystery, non-fiction, fiction, comedy....who knows)

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