September is NICU awareness month, not to be confused with prematurity awareness month, which falls in November (the month of Olivia's birth). 1 in 10 babies born in the U.S. ends up in the NICU, not all are born early, some are born at term but have other underlining health issues that require a trip to the NICU. Our NICU and NICU nurses will always hold a special place in our lives. It is a lonely road to walk, the 10% that leaves the hospital without their baby, the 10% that longs to wake up in the night to a crying child instead of the suction of a breast pump, the 10% that goes to bed every night with a phone call check on their baby instead of a goodnight kiss, the 10% the understands that all babies are miracles but NICU babies are extra special miracles. We felt alone in our journey at times, but we were never alone and that was a true blessing. Friends, family, nurses, doctors, everyone walked this journey along with us and we are forever grateful!
Our 2 lb 4 oz Preemie-dona is now a thriving almost 10 month old! What a miracle and blessing she is to us every single day!
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