Monday, February 2, 2015

Christmas Revisited

Yes, I realize that Christmas was OVER a month ago, but as promised we are back to the regularly scheduled blog posts.  If you know me at all, you know I love Christmas.  I love all the festivities, the time with family, the lights, the smells, and the general attitude of most people--the "hey it's Christmas, let's let that slid because I am all amped up on Christmas spirit!"   I am big into traditions around Christmas time, my mom's family always gets together for Christmas breakfast, we always go to Christmas eve service (generally right after my mom's birthday dinner), and I always dress in my favorite Christmas-y attire (no matter if it may seem tacky to some).  These are traditions 31 + years in the making and who am I to argue?  So let's check out my Christmas below...

Me, Andy, and Mom having an Outback dinner to celebrate Mom's birthday before Christmas Eve service.

This year we hosted Christmas breakfast as our house, since we had just had my mom's 65th Birthday party a few weeks earlier, I still had a number of tables set up to accommodate the family breakfast.  I was just barely able to capture this gem before everyone had to rush off to other Christmas day celebrations.

Another constant at all my Christmas is this beauty, my Nannie!  At 97 years old, she is keeping tradition alive and I am thankful to have had her there to celebrate with us again this year!

Check out this cute family photo, this is definitely a framer:

After breakfast, Andy always sticks around for a bit so we can do Christmas presents.  This year, my creative brother made me these cute characters, which have found a home on my dresser!

Since I like to used up vacation time on actual vacation, I rarely ever take time off for the holidays, so on Friday, December 26th, I was back at work, but knowing that that evening I would be able to see my adorable nephews!  We got in close to bedtime on Friday night, so we kept Christmas presents in the car until after the little boys were asleep, so they were quite surprised to wake up Saturday morning with more gifts under the tree!

the face of sheer joy!
While browsing through Target one day, they had these M&M machines for like 75% off, making them about $2, add to that a bag of $1 king size M&Ms and this makes for the best $3 present photo ever:

As mentioned before, Garrett has taken to sitting on and getting into everything (whether or not it is a toy or not), here he is sitting on his brand new toy lawn mower!

Not sure what this cutie was pointing at here, but just look at how tall and independent these babies are getting to be!

Twining at its finest:

Sunday morning, I was able to steal away time with little Corbin for an Auntie Lala/Corbin Zoo date!  We saw EVERYTHING and had a pretty great time (with the exception of the time I tried to open his string cheese--he did not like that!)...
Can you spot the human?

Of course, he wanted to bring a toy with him, and he just happened to pick his toy saw that his Aunt Cakey had given him.  This totally makes for a great photo op of him basically sawing off his chin!


After a few hours, we ventured back home just in time for naptime!  Afterware we got a little more outdoor time with these cuties...

And to end off this wonderful weekend, a picture of my two favorite ladies (since apparently the last picture they got together was pre-kids):

How did you spend your Christmas?  What traditions do you hold near and dear?

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