Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Crafting

I love the alliteration, but even more so, I love the act of crafting at Christmastime!  Which is why I have been trying to make cute little ornaments for friends for the last couple of years.  It has been a fun way to think about them, while also creating a handmade gift!  Today, I have a quick tutorial on my most recent Christmas Craft Project:

Step 1: Acquire all supplies; embroidery thread, paint, embroidery hook, ribbon, heart shaped buttons and paint brush.

Step 2: I chose to paint my hoops in red because its was meant to be a Christmas ornament and I wanted to use green thread and ribbon to tie in the two colors.

Step 3: Once the hoops are dry, put a piece of cross stitch fabric into the hook and screw tight, it is okay if the edges are hanging out a bit soon (you will see how i fix that later)

Step 4: Find the size and shape of what you want to cross stitch, I wanted to do the state where each person lives (so for most friends that was Virginia, but for some it was other states)

Step 5: Using a pencil, trace the shape onto the fabric, I just put it behind and held it up to the light to trace it.

Step 6: Begin stitching

Step 7: Finish the entire object (in this case, Virginia):

Step 8: If you are anal like me, you want the back to look just as pretty as the front (I think it is nice in case it turns around, but this step is totally not necessary if you are a messy stitcher)

Step 9: Acquire cute buttons, I feel in love with these heart shaped ones before I even had a use for them and now I have gone back and bought them multiple times over!

Step 10: Stitch on the button to symbolize the city (or approximate) area where the person lives--in this case, Richmond, Virginia!

Step 11: Simple trim the excess fabric with sharp scissors, I left a small edge but its not visible from the front.

Step 12: Select coordinating ribbons, I used one skinny one (this will be used to hang it) and then a wider one, this is for a bow!

Step 13: Use the thinner ribbon as a hanger:

Step 14: With the wider ribbon create a bow and VIOLA an easy, cute, homemade Christmas gift that any friend would love (or will at least pretend to love because they love you!)

Merry Christmas!

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