Thursday, June 6, 2013

Smiley Faces all around!

This story started actually a few weeks ago.  I follow a blog where they were featuring royal icing cookies as a favor at a party, it got me thinking that would be a fun favor, so I thought, why don't I see if I can make cookies like that!  

Turns out I can (I mean seriously this is not a hard one so a more complicated design is probably not likely, but I still think my cake teacher would be proud)!

My royal icing smiley face cookie!

Since I was just trying it out, I only made 4 cookies, one small one and 3 bigger ones.  Well when I found out my cute little nephew was coming to town, I knew just who would be getting that little cookie!  So yesterday (Wednesday), Corbin woke up and before they left, Tiffie, me, and him went for a walk to burn off some energy (he has A LOT!).  Well Tiffany told me to bring the cookie and told Corbin he would get a surprise when we got to the duck pond.  So I carried the cookie in a bag. About halfway there, he asked if he could carry the bag without looking, Of course, I said!

A little boy practicing self-control with his surprise in a bag!

He was so excited to arrive there and find out that the surprise was a cookie!  He did ask earlier if it was a eatable surprise?  And I tried to trick him and tell him it was edible and it was broccoli (no dice!)

Corbin being ever so careful to open the cookie!

I kid you not, the second these ducks heard the plastic packaging, they were hurrying over to little Corbin.  I had to pick him up so they could not get to his cookie!
Love at first Bite!
Deep in thought
In the hurry to get out of the house, and because I don't have children to think about these things, we forgot to grab napkins or anything so when all was said...and well...eaten, we were left with a black icing mouth on this cute little kid.  But he was not too upset, in fact, I think since he ate the smiley face, he felt like he had to smile to make up for it!
That is the face of one happy little kid.

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