Thursday, April 18, 2013

Weekend Recap (just a few days late)

This week has taken on a new level of crazy!  So I had planned out and tried to start tying up loose ends here at work the last couple of weeks and I thought I was good to go for a slow week, but alas, the market is never predictable so the last few days have been filled with lots of trading, so the blogging has been taking a back-seat.  But thought I would update with a little weekend update (of mostly pictures) before I head out for my Midwest adventure TOMORROW!!!

So Friday night, I was super boring.  I had put off my taxes until the last minute so I spent the better part of Friday night finishing those up and submitting them while waiting for Erica to arrive at my mom's house (I was house/dogsitting while she was on vacation).  Erica arrived around 10pm and we chatted briefly before she headed out to bed and I capped my eventful night off with some laundry.  

We were both up early on Saturday for the Monument 10k Cheering Party that I already blogged about.  Afterward, we hit up The Mill for brunch before running some errands.  We did not get much down time before we were over at CJ's to set up for her Glee themed 30th birthday party!

Glee Cupcakes

Birthday Girl

Erica did a fab job on the outdoor decor

Colorful decorations


Wall -O- pinwheels


Third Pres Girls: Jessica, Kathryn, Kristi, Charloote

G friends: Laura, CJ, and Emily

Roomies!!!  Erica and me--party decorators!!!

Kathryn, CJ, and me

Erica, CJ, and me
Sunday morning I was up early for nursery and church, then it was back home where I spent the better half of the afternoon/evening getting over a migraine or some kind of stomach bug--no good!  But alas, another week almost done and I am back to normal again.

It was a great time to spend some time with some good friends and be able to celebrate so much!

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