Monday, April 15, 2013

Monument 10k Cheering Party

Well it is no secret, I am not much of a runner!  Sooo, what else is there to do but get other non-runners together for a cheering party for the runners! That is just what we did!  On Saturday, April 13th was the annual Monument 10k, this race in Richmond where 30,000+ people gather together to run/walk a 10k down Richmond's historic Monument Avenue.  

Lila, Kristi, me and CJ in our matching shirts and Tutus!!!

This is just a few of the 30,000+ racers!

A person in costume, there were not too many!

Cheering for the runners!
Ryan Gosling says "Hey girl, I'm waiting for you at the finish line."

Our cheering group:
from Left to Right:
Rachel, Lila, CJ, Elaine, Me (with poster), Kristi, Kathryn (a runner too but chose to cheer with us this year), Erica (actually is a runner but came to cheer anway), Aubrey, Allison (also a runner), and Paul!

All in all, we had a great time.  Near the end, a lady from the cheering contest came up and asked us if we were registered as a cheering/spirit team. Unfortunately we were not (I found out the day before the race that there was a prize for that--but the deadline to register was 2 weeks ago).  But she said to register next year cause she thought we had great outfits!  So here is hoping for a spirit win next year!

1 comment:

  1. Next year we totally need to enter the cheering contest!!! We would win! :)
