Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness

So we have been studying the fruit of the spirit in bible study lately and last week, CJ led us in a study of kindness and goodness.  As part of the study, we had a challenge: to perform a random act of kindness each day for the upcoming week above and beyond what you would normally do.  

So I set out with the list I was given and decided on some tasks, some easier than others, and some much funner than others.  

Day 1: Mail an anonymous package to a friend --I did this and tried my darnest to disguise my handwriting, but I was figured out.  I still think she liked the package!

Day 2: Leave a note in the mailbox for my mail lady with a Starbucks gift card.  My mail lady appreciated the gesture and left me a thank you note!

Day 3: Send an anonymous letter to a sibling with a gift card.  I mailed a note to my sister from her child with another Starbucks gift card.  I really really thought she might think it was her husband, but alas she also realized it was me, but loved the coffee treat!

Day 4: Leave change for the snack machine.  Well this one was a BIG FAIL!  So I thought I would be creative, right.  So I made up a cutesty note card (see picture) so people could see the change and know it was for the taking.  Well I left it there Friday taped to the soda machine.  And I waited, and waited, and waited.  Turns out people do not like free money.  I know multiple people have come and gone from that snack room and NO ONE uses the money.  I finally took the note card down today and just left the change in the machine, but this one was a bust.
Sorry for the sideways picture!

Day 5: Packed up and delivered an extra bed I had to a friend across town.  This was probably the hardest of all--with CJ's help, we load up the truck, but moving furniture is much harder to do than it looks and that bed was unyielding.  Needless to say, I am glad that is over, but she now has a bed for one of her guest bedrooms!

Day 6: Volunteered for a task at church I really did not want to do.  This past Sunday was an overfill of duties at church.  I had nursery and hospitality/greeting, had to work the welcome table, then at night I had a leader's meeting and youth group.  I was definitely doing my normal acts of kindness anyway.  So when I learned we had a fellowship lunch, I DID NOT WANT TO PARTICIPATE.  But I did, despite my better judgement, and it was good.  I volunteered to work the cash box and registration for people who had not pre-paid for their lunches.  It was a fun experience and afterward I joined a few others to catch up on the week and eat lunch today.  

Day 7: Took a friend out for her birthday celebration.  My friend Allison was celebrating her birthday on Tuesday, but since Monday we have small group, I asked if she would be available to meet up for dinner.  I have been wanting to have some one on one time (so I guess this is a little selfish of me too) for awhile with her and her birthday seemed like a great opportunity.  We shared a meal and some wine and chatted about our lives. It was great and I think she appreciated the celebration for her birthday.  Then we had cupcakes at small group for her!

All in all, it was a great week.  I enjoyed the experiences of going out of my way to be kind and I found myself more incline to be friendly or helpful when needed.  I offered up by dusting services for my mom, but she put me off for a few weeks when she is on a cruise in December and I am staying at her house to watch the dogs.  So all in all, acts of kindness week was a success.  Thanks for the challenge CJ!  

1 comment:

  1. Oh you know it was my pleasure! :) And it was a challenge for me, too :) I'm glad the week was such a success...

    You know Joyce Meyer was right when she said you FEEL BETTER when you are kind to others and stop focusing on yourself :)
