For 21 days now, I have been a mom; this is CRAZY! How is our sweet baby 3 weeks already? To celebrate her 3 weeks of life, she finally passed her three pound mark and then decided she should fly right past it, so she is now up to 3lbs 4 oz. (or exactly 1 pound more than her birth weight). Which means that in 3 short weeks our little girl has grown by 40%, INSANE! If you read my last post you know that they found growth on her culture after the 48 hour mark, which we later found out was actually at hour 64, so though it is not great, it is much better than the first culture on antibiotics which showed growth after 19 hours, so we are considering it a win still. It seems it is still the MRSA and it is just taking her body a little time to get rid of it, but her other progress is very promising, in that, her actions, other labs and overall personality is much better so they are continuing to treat as is and will continue on the antibiotics for the 14 days after the negative culture still (which we hope will be soon). Her Echo did not show anything abnormal, per say, there was a shadow on one of the films, which is likely just a problem with the scan, so they may do another echo in a few days just to be sure. In other news, Olivia is still off CPAP and has been for days now so that is really good progress. She also is having less and less drops, which is great news. And as of Friday, she is now sporting clothes because they are trying to see if she can regulate her own body temperature in her isolette. So overall, we have enjoyed a week of good progress.
And because we love milestones, here are some fun ones:
Dad gets to take Olivia's temperature for the first time! |
Dad changing her diaper for the first time (and since she pooped not long after, he got to change it for the second time too!) |
More mommy snuggles! |
Look at me, in clothes! Trying to keep my body warm enough :) |
And not to be outdone by all of Olivia's progress, the weather decided to make her 3 week birthday special and Olivia already got to have her first snowfall (on December 8th in Richmond--this really never happens)....
Lastly, I was lucky enough to be showered with love and support today by family and some friends as my mom and sister hosted a baby shower for me. So we have spent the evening unpacking some fun gifts in Olivia's nursery. It makes it so much more exciting for the day when she gets to come home and be in her new room!
As always we are thankful for the love, support and prayers from all over. Please keep them coming, we know this is a marathon and we may encounter more hurdles before we bring her home, but we are praising God in the good and are ever more hopeful for the future. 💜
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