It is so hard to believe that two weeks ago, we were living out
Olivia's birth story. I find it hard to believe that it has already been two weeks, but then again, I feel like those two weeks have also dragged on. Is this what parenthood is like? I would wager that it is--this is why they say the days are long but the years are short!
Since I am sure everyone is curious. Olivia is doing much better, we are not fully out of the woods yet, but it seems the antibiotics are doing their job and she is on the road to recovery. Her meningitis test came back negative, so we are very thankful for that. However, her MRSA culture still gave a positive result, this time 19 hours from when the culture was taken. This is actually a somewhat good sign. The longer it takes the culture to come back positive the better (if it has to come back positive at all). We are still hoping the next culture will be negative, but we are taking all the good news we can get.
Olivia is also up a little more weight wise today too. She is up to 2lbs, 10.5 oz (again her birth weight was 2lbs, 4 oz), so she is still gaining weight which is great! And she is back to 21% oxygen, which is also good, she is still on the CPAP but again just to assist with her breathing at current air levels. She has not been having as many drops and when she does, she tends to bring herself back on her own without assistance from the nurses so that is also positive movement.
Her next hurdles are to fight off this infection, she needs to get a negative result, so they can start a picc line, which will allow for easier distribution of the antibiotics but they cannot do it while she is still fighting an infection. So as you can see in some of the pictures, she has an IV in her hand. And she needs to continue to gain weight. But to say we are pleased with her success the last two days is an understatement. This tiny little girl continues to impress her dad and I daily with her fight! We so appreciate all the thoughts, texts, calls, Facebook messages, gifts, dinners, etc. We know how blessed we are to have the community that we have; so thank you to each and every one of you! We appreciate the continued prayers and support as we know we still have a long road ahead of us!
There is a reason all the nurses call me 'Handsy' cause I am always doing something with my hands! |
Learning sucking skills by using my pacifier |
Looking like Dad sucking on my finger. |
A smile!!! This is also a good picture of my IV line on my left hand (notice the splint thing to make sure I dont mess with it) |
Holding my Momma's hand. |
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