Anyone remember last year when I promised a ONE year post for Benjamin with pictures? Yeah that never happened. So here we are 10 months later with a post with pictures of both kids at age 2 and 4.5 and life updates!
BENJAMIN: This little man is now two and talks talks talks, he is like a little parrot and will repeat everything you say. He is still very snuggly and still a momma's boy, but also an Opa's boy! He still loves his sissy, but they have their moments now and are caught in a tussle much more often than a year ago. We think he is a good mix of his Uncle Andy and Marc. He always seems to want to be into something he shouldn't be and has a smile that can convince even the toughest person to crack and give in. He loves acting like a big boy and has gotten pretty good at being one too! I'd say his motto is "If Sissy can do it, I can too!" I had so much mom anxiety about sending him off to daycare and he has done surprisingly well, he loves all his teachers but definitely has a favorite! Since he just turned two, he will move up in class next week, so be thinking of me as I deal with a clinging baby boy at drop off on Monday!!

OLIVIA: This girl loves adventure and is a little bit of a daredevil, like her mom used to be! She loves the water--beach/pool you name it! Loves water slides, roller coasters, climbing, jumping, etc. She is certainly brave when it comes to trying new things--unless it is food! haha She has adjusted okay to going back to daycare, everyday at pick up, she talks about how much she loves school and her teachers and her friends and crafts, etc. But at drop off, she becomes nervous about all the people! 😜 Enough to give her sweet momma anxiety as I drop off a clingy 4 year old! This past fall she did soccer for the first time and Marc was her coach, she claimed to love it, but was more often on the sidelines with momma and Benjamin or reaching for daddy's hand. She may just have a little introvert in her :) As for potty training, she finally got the hang of it and now proudly shows off her poop in the toilet every chance she can get (I will spare the internet of those pictures). 😂

MARC & LAURA: Marc has settled into his new work schedule with 2-3 days in the office each week and 2-3 days home. As such, he definitely does most of the laundry and has picked up some of the cooking, while I commute and pick up the kids. Life is a game of juggling some days! That bathroom renovation, we got 90% of the way there, see pictures below! So we are getting there and are proud of the work that saved us well over $10,000 (based on quotes we got). It is a nice refresh for sure! Next up is some flooring replacement in the den. Both Marc and I said goodbye to our two dogs since my last post. Brando crossed the rainbow bridge in September, 2021 and Brutus followed in April, 2022. So now for the first time in our adult lives, we are both dog free and are enjoying the extra snuggles from the kids and Felix (the cat), who by the way is soaking in the extra attention. Laura continues in the office 5 days a week and I am also pretty much fully recovered from the
GBS! Thank goodness! In 2022 so far, we have battled as a family, Covid in January, February/March brought us two weeks of a stomach bug that seemed it would NEVER end. Then April blessed us with the Flu (thankfully only Benjamin got this one--but he was a sad boy for a few days). We try to make the most of things despite these sicknesses, but I would be lying if I said I was not looking forward to spring and summer.
Here is the bathroom before and after (well almost after, you can see there is still work to be done!)
We had to say goodbye to our two buddies:
Tested positive for Covid--fun times:
Easter with the kids in matching outfits (thank goodness they are still at an age to tolerate this):
And a quick trip to Williamsburg, complete with a stay at Great Wolf Lodge!
Hoping 2022 has been good to you so far; I dare not promise another update cause who knows when that will happen!
I so enjoy y’all. Pictures are precious.