Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Friends, wine, Cats and birthdays

How is that for a title?  It basically sums up my weekend with Sara!  She came down from Baltimore on Saturday morning and we got to work trying out some wine around town and spending time together!  Our first stop was Byrd Cellars and despite the name, no "birds" were seen, but a number of cats were hanging around.  So of course, my two cat-lover friends wanted to pet the little guys....

Apparently we were super excited about wine, because we arrived about 15 minutes before they opened so we took the chance to take a few pictures with the signage!

After a lovely tasting and buying 8 bottles of wine, we were craving some BBQ, so we hit up the closest spot: Hickory Notch.  Needless to say, none of us were too impressed with the BBQ but the hush puppies, onion rings and baked beans won the approval of us!

Next up was James River Winery.  None of us were too impressed with there offerings and we left with no bottles of wine, but we did snap a few pictures anyway!

We ended the evening by celebrating Nannie's 97th birthday with the fam!
Three generations of LOVE!

A little google magic of her blowing out the candles:

Needless to say, she is one lucky lady with so much love poured on her and all her new gifts she is sure to be set for cookies until at least Thanksgiving!

We got up Sunday morning and had a low key day, grabbed an early lunch at The Crazy Greek than made our last stop on the booze tour before Sara had to head home, we stopped in at Hardywood Brewery to test out their Gingerbread Stout, among other things.  None of us left loving the GBS, but we did pass it onto a friendly neighbor, who was more than happy to take it off our hands.

It was then time for Sara to head home and for me to get packing for an upcoming vacay!!!

How did you spend your weekend?  What trips are you taking soon, I wanna know!

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