Yall I have made it to 34 weeks pregnant! When you experience an early pregnancy, it is hard to fathom ever being more pregnant than that! We had a lot of doctors telling us it was possible and even highly likely that we would make it further and maybe even to term (which for me is 38 weeks--we always knew we would never go past that point). Starting out this pregnancy I had a 75% chance of getting to term, and 80% chance if I followed the aspirin regimen. With my past history, I was repeatedly told that even if I did develop preeclampsia, it would be likely be later and less severe. Part of the reasoning there being that I am on the look out for it--daily blood pressure checks and much more monitoring--I have two doctors instead of one and have/will have 8 ultrasounds verses the normal 2 per pregnancy (with Olivia I did have 3 and daily bedside ultrasounds once admitted). But despite how much your head hears it, it is hard for your heart to feel it. So for months on end, my response to invitations would always be, I will be there, as long as we haven't had the baby!

Well guess what? Now I don't even have that excuse cause COVID-19 has basically shut down any potential get-togethers. To say this is a scary time to be pregnant is an understatement. Threats of dad's not being allowed to meet their babies at birth, thoughts of having to do the first 3-4 days alone as a mother without my daughter or husband nearby is scary. I sure hope it does not come to that, but it is a reality for some & even my next appointments with my doctor are limited to me only. In addition, I have been reading about many NICUs that have limited visitors to one parent only and some to not even allow mothers and fathers to see their kids. We press forward with faith that our God will see this through, and maybe a reminder or two from my hubby about not looking at Facebook and news stories in the middle of the night when baby boy is kicking me for the 100th time (also, can I just say what a sweet feeling that is--I got to feel Olivia kick a few times before she was born, but nothing like this guy--it warms my heart every time even if it is 3am!)

So with all that being said, we are 4 weeks (or less if he decides to arrive early) to meeting this little man and we do not know what the world will hold for us then. Can you join us in praying that Marc and I will be able to be at the hospital together to meet him? That our family remains well and we have someone to care for Olivia during this time that we are away. And of course to pray for our medical staff, nurses, scientists, and leaders as they navigate the toughest path of all--for a solution to this crazy virus and for minimal damage in the process!
And remember--wash your hands and stay home if you can!