So for awhile there I was doing really well with the monthly updates then we hit one year and all of the sudden we dropped off the face of the earth! Not really, but we have a mobile child who likes the attention of her parents, so free time is non-existent! So here is a much overdue update on our sweet Olivia!
Just before her first birthday, we went back to her NICU and visited her favorite nurse there, she actually really did not want to go see her, but we got her calm enough for a cute picture. This is Olivia just before her first birthday (on the left) and at the day of discharge at two months old (on the right).
The difference a year makes, this is my first time holding Olivia on the left and probably the 857th time holding her on the right (this was at her first birthday party) :)
Olivia still loves her swing (though this picture is not a convincing one), we did finally get around to putting one up in the backyard for her.
Olivia's first birthday party was Snow white themed (Yes I got to pick it cause she has no opinion yet) and it was well attended by family and friends alike!
Marc's side of the family |
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We put up an outfit from each stage--preemie, newborn, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and a year! The visual difference is crazy! |
Olivia loved playing in the icing, though she did not get too much actually in her mouth!
This is my ladies bible study group, who were all able to make it to celebrate Olivia. We are so loved!
The Grumbles family and us (plus Andy joining in on the fun)
The Whitman group:
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My side of the family |
Quickly following Olivia's first birthday was Thanksgiving. It is fun having her home for all her first holidays at home!
See, I told you she loves the swing:
We took a day and went to Busch Gardens Christmastown, and Olivia met Santa, neither was too impressed!
I love this picture of Olivia cause she looks so grown up, more like a toddler and less baby like.
Mommy kisses are a faborite!
We still do not like Santa!
But all other things Christmas are okay with her--the bows, the lights, the presents...
We had a big snowfall in December and we got her all dressed up to get a picture in it. We all lasted maybe 10 minutes outside but at least it makes for a cute picture.
Olivia was able to attend a couple of VCU games this season. She is certainly repping her favorite basketball team.
Christmas Eve at Marc's parents house...
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Olivia loves opening presents but has yet to figure out that she actually likes playing with them too. |
Christmas morning at my mom's house:
A long standing Williams family tradition is that after all the gifts are open, the youngest kiddo(s) get in the discarded wrapping paper for a picture, thus the tradition lives on.
The Friday after Christmas we were back in the car again to head to Norfolk to celebrate my mom's birthday and Christmas with my sister and her family (Andy and Kat came too). We ended up at the zoo in Norfolk on a unseasonably warm day.
New Year's Eve Party girl, no worries, we were all asleep before the ball drop!
Olivia has taken to her German heritage well and can be seen here enjoying a Brotchen. She thinks she is such a big kid when we let her have it. But the best news of all for mom and dad is that it occupies her for like an hour or more and she still only manages to eat about 1/4 of it. I think this should be a standard teething piece!
Olivia also loves looking out the window at her dog brothers.
* Walks or Runs while holding Hands
* Freely roams the living room grabbing hold of any furniture, people, etc.
* Gets into EVERYTHING!
* Talking lots more--she will babble off full conversations, though no one can really understand her. Her favorite word to say is Kitty as she so lovingly grabs Felix.
* She can sign "more" which she has taken to mean food, so sometimes she wakes up asking for more.
* Has become a lot more Mommy or Daddy centered and often cries when she is dropped off at daycare.
* She can listen to some commands--for example: put the blocks in the bag, give mommy high five, etc.
* She loves bath and food
* She can clap her hands
* She can wave hi and bye
* She likes being naked down to her diaper
* and the most exciting of all, she took her first steps and can do about 4-5 steps unassisted before falling!