I know I am a broken record, but each month seems to fly by now. I feel like we were just dreaming about a baby then we spent those two hard months in the NICU and then we watched our little doll just grow, grow and keep growing and it all seems to have happened in the blink of an eye. The only thing that feels like it is taking forever is the sleeping--seriously Olivia, can you go back to sleeping through the night? I am beginning to wonder if she ever did that?!?!
We have the list of things we said we would do as parents, and I can tell you--I was a liar!
* Cry it out? Sure for a few minutes, but then I run to the baby knowing full well it will only make matters worse in the long run
* Never let her in our bed, yet Olivia finds herself there more often than she should because MOMMA NEEDS TO SLEEP!
* Let her chew on things she shouldn't? NEVER--whoopsie, was that Olivia that was just chewing on my key fob?
Cutest Snow White Around! |
Helping Mom make muffins! |
The list can go on, but you get the gist! We are in a realm of trying to keep our heads above water! This is when bad habits get made, but soon we are putting our foot down--hopefully!
I am not so sure about this bread! |
Olivia's Growth:
* As of her 9 month appointment she is now in the 51% for head circumference, it would seem her brain is catching up and thriving!
* Olivia weighs 16 pounds 10 ounces and is in the 14% for weight
* Olivia is 26 inches long and is in the 8% for height!
NOTE: These are for full term growth charts, not preemie ones! Also should be noted that the first thing to catch up is head circumference, followed by weight and finally height, so she is right on target!
Look at me sit up! |
History Maker! |
* Head Circumference: 22%
* Weight: 13 lbs 12 oz and 10%
* Height: 24 inches and 4%
I can tell you all about Doggies; I have two! |
We continue to meet with Physical therapy and she is doing well, still not rolling consistency but her muscle tone and activity is good, so they are still not worried. Her sitting is great and on par more with her actual age, she can actually balance pretty well and can bend over to pick something up! She loves to stand with assistance and no longer loves her playmat--DO NOT LAY ME FLAT MOM!
Let's go Hokies! |
Olivia is now growing from her 9 month to 12 month clothes and we use them basically interchangeably now! Our real issue is if her head will fit into the clothes, so I much prefer the ones that button up the front :)
Target is my happy Place! |
We are still trying to hit our rhythm with work, cooking, playing with the baby, doing laundry and random other chores around the house! We maybe get mexican food takout a bit more than we should! It's a learning curve still...
I love Minnie! |
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Come here Camel, let me pet you! |
* Sits up unassisted and balances well!
* First Zoo Trip!
* First Girls Shopping Day in Williamsburg (start 'em young, right?)
* Now sits in high chairs and shopping carts.
* Has started on solid foods!
* She now grabs EVERYTHING and puts it right to her mouth, so we are keeping a close eye on her. (same as last month)
* She can just about pull herself up if she is holding our fingers!
Each day, her dad and I fall more and more in love with her! We are so thankful daily for all the love, support and prayers, we truly believe she was covered in prayers and has done so well because of it!